
Sophie Wood

Sophie Wood

Sophie Wood

Hey, I'm Sophie, a Level 3 Personal Trainer who's all about CrossFit, Olympic lifting, injury rehabilitation, and nourishing your body right. With experience from Turkey to Abu Dhabi, I've seen a lot and learned even more.

My fitness journey began with 20 years of dance, where I honed my craft and learned the importance of movement and proper nutrition. Now, as a personal trainer, I'm committed to helping others achieve their fitness goals while emphasizing the role of nutrition in reaching peak performance.

Specializing in CrossFit and Olympic lifting, I thrive on the challenge of guiding individuals through dynamic and functional training programs that push boundaries and foster growth. Thanks to my dance background, I've got a keen eye for movement mechanics and technique.

On top of that, I'm a Level 4 sports massage therapist, so I know how to help you recover from injuries and stay on top of your game. And while Hyrox training isn't officially on my resume, I love incorporating its elements to keep workouts dynamic and engaging.

Whether you're aiming to hit new gym milestones, recover from an injury, or simply enhance your overall fitness and well-being, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's team up, focus on nourishing your body, and unlock your full potential – together.


L4 low back pain specialisation, L4 Sports Massage Therapist, L3 Exercise referral, L3 Personal Trainer, L3 Nutrition & Weight Management, L2 Myofascial Cupping, L1 CrossFit trainer (CF-L1), L1 BWL Olympic Lifting.

T: 07956 084860
Instagram: @_peak.performance_

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Published in Personal Trainers on Oct 20, 2022 by Athelis 

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