Re-opening Safely
Changes & Precautions we have put in place.
- All staff will be temperature checked each day before anyone starts work within the club.
- Floor markings and guidance will be in place to remind people of the importance of social distancing.
- More signage will be visible across the club to remind everyone about the new procedures and how we keep everyone safe.
- No gym towels will be allowed on the gym floor.
What extra hygiene measure have you put in place?
- We are increasing cleaning frequency of all equipment and touch points around the club.
- Multiple hand sanitiser stations have been installed throughout the entire club for regular antibacterial hand washing.
- Specialist disinfectant cleaning stations can be seen around the club for all members to wipe down equipment before and after use.
- We will be introducing the use of state-of-the-art electrostatic guns to spray all equipment at intervals throughout the day with a unique solution that kills 99.9% of bacteria AND provides an invisible barrier.
What will the gym floor look like?
- Equipment has been re-arranged where possible to help with social distancing. Any equipment not in use will be clearly marked.
How will studio classes be affected?
- All classes will restart on the 1stAugust with a new timetable. We will update you when the timetable is online to view.
- We are reducing class numbers to maintain social distancing within the studios but we still have plenty of availability. Floor markers will be provided so these numbers are not exceeded.
- Cycle studios will run at 50% capacity until further notice.
- We have adjusted the timetables to introduce 10 minute gaps between classes where required to help with congestion on entry and exit to the classes.
Can I use the pools?
- All pools will be available but we have limited the capacity to help with Social distancing.
Will I need to book to get in the gym?
- No, with the size of the facility and following the government guidelines this should not be necessary.
- We will be monitoring attendance numbers within the club to make sure we don’t exceed capacity.
What can I do to help?
- If you feel unwell at all please do not attend the gym.
- If you are only coming to workout please arrive in your sportswear, this will help with social distancing in the changing areas.
- You MUST follow current government guidelines when working out with other members.
- Use the cleaning stations to wipe down equipment before and after use.
- Wash your hands regularly using the hand sanitiser stations provided.
- Have you ever thought of changing your training patterns to avoid busy periods?
- Please keep to the left when walking down corridors.
- Please take other members into consideration when you are in the club to help with social distancing.
Your Membership Explained
- All members will be credited with any lost membership days when the club re-opens.
- Once the club is open you can freeze your membership on a monthly basis due to COVID-19. Unless you notify the club by the 21st of the following month, your membership will resume automatically.
- Site closures due to unforeseen circumstances will not form part of your 12 month membership term.