For A-Stars Swimming Club terms and conditions please click here.
- This agreement commences either:
If you are on the club’s premises, once you have indicated your acceptance in the declaration section of the sign-up process.OR
If you are not on the club’s premises, once you have indicated your acceptance in the declaration section of the sign-up process and then either entered the clubs premises or after a period of 14 days has elapsed, whichever is earlier.
- Your membership starts immediately. ’Initial term’ means the full 12 month calendar period from the date you accept your membership. You will need to pay an amount for your membership, which covers the day that you join until the first of the following month, this partial month will not form part of your initial term.
- ‘We’ means Athelis with company number 8765369 and registered office ASAT Ventures ltd, King Street, Leyland, PR25 2LF .
- You can end your membership after your initial term has ended by giving at least one month’s notice in writing. Please see cancellation procedure below. Cancellation request form to be completed at the club. The notice period will begin from the first of the month after we have received your notice. After the final payment has been made, it is the responsibility of the member to cancel the direct debit with their bank. If you hand your notice into the club, you must get a receipt. It is your responsibility to make sure that we have received your notice. If you send your letter using the Royal Mail, we recommend that you use recorded delivery. Access to the club will be refused once the membership has been cancelled.
- You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the type of membership chosen.
- Memberships are not refundable or transferable.
- Your membership is personal to you and you cannot transfer it to another person.
- Your Photo ID is your only entry to the club, through our face recognition system.
- Disabled access is limited. Please ask a member of staff for more information.
- The Joining Fee / Initial Payment is due from you to us, is payable immediately and is not refundable other than in the event of breach or negligence by us.
- The Direct Debit Payment Amount is due from you to us with the first one being paid on the 1st Direct Debit Payment Date and then every month thereafter. You are obligated to make every Direct Debit Payment regardless of non-attendance, except where the cancellation terms below are met (See FAQs).
- All memberships (i.e. whether paid annually or monthly) are subject to a £30 annual fee, to be deducted yearly on or around the 1st October.
- You agree to advise us promptly of any change to the Members Details provided.
- If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than thirty days, then we may pass the debt to a third party company for collection. The reasonable and direct costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.
- If you choose to pay your Annual membership fee over the 12 month period the payments from you will be collected by 12 monthly direct debits on or around the 1st working day of each calendar month.
- Management reserves the right to increase prices at any time on written notice to you.
- A late payment charge will be implemented for overdue payments effective from 1st March 2025. This charge is necessary to cover additional administration costs incurred due to late payments. A late payment charge of £20 will be charged, as well as the monthly membership fee on the next available resubmission. We encourage all members to make timely payments to avoid this additional charge.
- Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the second floor thermal suite or the Apex changing facilities.
- You will need to provide proof of your age if you are applying for a junior membership. From time to time, we may ask you for updated proof that you still qualify for the membership. Please note when children turn 4, 14 and 16 members will be notified of the new membership rates relating to the age categories.
- Children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian when in the swimming pool, changing rooms and surrounding area.
- Parent or guardian must ensure every child 4 years and under is accompanied by one adult when using the pool facilities.
- Parent or guardian must ensure all children over 4 years are accompanied by an adult at a ratio of no more than 3 children to one adult when using the pool facilities.
- Children over the age of 12 are permitted to attend the gym but must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.
- Children over the age of 12 are permitted to attend the classes when supervised by a parent or guardian.
- Overuse and/or overstrain whilst using the gym equipment and during exercise must be monitored by the supervising parent or guardian.
- Children aged 8 years and above are not permitted to use the opposite gender changing facilities.
- Children are allowed to use the facilities between the times of 9.00AM & 6.00PM.
- Children between the ages of 14-15 on the Young adult package are permitted to use the clubs facilities at all times, including adults classes, when accompanied by an adult. All the above still applys.
- There may be an extra charge for a small number of facilities and services. You can get information of the current charges from the club reception. Charges may vary from time to time.
- Members will be liable to pay third party collection charges.
- The management reserves the right to increase prices at any time on written notice to you.
- All memberships (i.e whether paid annually or monthly) are subject to a £30 annual fee, to be deducted yearly on or around the 1stOctober.
- We will contact you before your contract expires to offer renewal into a new annual membership scheme carrying options to pay in advance or to pay in monthly installments. If you wish to renew your membership retaining the same payment option (e.g monthly or paid in advance) you need to do nothing. Your direct debit payment (s) will continue and the new annual membership agreement will be forwarded to you. Alternatively, if you wish to select a different payment option or do not wish to renew please contact us to let us know prior to the end of your current membership term, following the cancellation procedures.
- In the event you choose not to renew your membership upon expiry you should cancel your direct debit immediately with the bank.
- If you change membership options, your membership payments will change to the current rates advertised for new members at the club. Changes to your monthly payments will apply from the first of the month after the change, as long as we receive notice by the 20th of the month.
- All guests must pay the appropriate guest entry fee and will be subject to all club rules.
- Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any guest at its absolute discretion.
- Members are responsible for their guests’ actions and should accompany them at all times.
- The guest warrants and represents that they are in good physical condition and that they know of no medical or other reason why they are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise will not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition.
- Guests must read and observe all club rules and safety guidelines prior to using the facilities.
- Child guests may only use the club during specific times.
- Only under exceptional circumstances such as temporary illness or injury, redundancy and pregnancy and always at our sole discretion, you are entitled to apply to suspend your membership for an upfront fee of £10. During this period your direct debit must remain in place.
- When you apply to suspend your membership, we will ask you to give one month’s notice in writing and proof must be provided. The notice period will begin from the first of the month after we have received your notice and the suspension will apply for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months. Pregnant ladies are exempt from the minimum and maximum terms, upon proof provided.
- You can suspend your membership for a single period of between three and six months within any 5-year period.
- It is your responsibility to make sure that we have received your notice. We recommend that you use recorded delivery or produce your receipt to prove you have sent us the notice. We also advise you receive receipt of your freeze form.
- Suspension of your membership will not affect the minimum no. of direct debit payments you are due to make and any payments remaining at the time of the freeze will remain due and recommence on a monthly basis once the freeze period has ended.
- Your membership will automatically resume once your suspension term has ended.
- If the bank returns a failed payment on your account, we will contact you in writing either via email or SMS about this failure. You will be advised of the failure on entry to the club and will be refused entry on further visits until the payment is made. If we continue to be unable to collect payments, we will, at our choice, continue to apply for payment by direct debit for a maximum of 3 attempts.
- A late payment charge will be implemented for overdue payments effective from 1st March 2025. This charge is necessary to cover additional administration costs incurred due to late payments. A late payment charge of £20 will be charged, as well as the monthly membership fee on the next available resubmission. We encourage all members to make timely payments to avoid this additional charge.
- Cancelling your direct debit does not mean you have given us notice to end your membership. You must give us written notice in accordance with these membership terms.
- If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for more than 30 days, then we may cancel the membership and pass the debt onto a third party company for collection. The reasonable and direct costs incurred in employing the third party company we will be borne by you including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.
- If you wish to cancel your membership providing you have completed your minimum term or freeze your membership you can do so by providing Athelis with one calendar months’ notice in writing.
- In addition to any other express rights to cancel, we may cancel your membership in the following circumstances.
- If you break or repeatedly break this membership agreement or the club rules.
- If another person uses your membership to gain access into the club.
- If you or your guest use rude or abusive language or threaten or use violent behaviour towards another member or staff member.
- If you or your guest act in a way which prevents other members from enjoying Athelis facilities.
- We may at our discretion and with immediate effect cancel the membership of any member whose continued membership is in our opinion not in the interests of the club.
- If we end your membership for any of these reasons, we have the right to keep a proportion of the money paid under this agreement, to cover any reasonable costs we have had to pay. We will also not grant future applications for membership to Athelis.
- Cancellation request form to be completed at the club. The notice period will begin from the first of the month after we have received your notice. After the final payment has been made, it is the responsibility of the member to cancel the direct debit with their bank. If you hand your notice into the club, you must get a receipt. It is your responsibility to make sure that we have received your notice. If you send your letter using the Royal Mail, we recommend that you use recorded delivery. You are not entitled to enter the club if your membership has ended.
- You agree to comply with the rules of the membership which are displayed prominently in the club and relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make changes to these rules at any time providing we give you reasonable advance notice of the change.
- We will do our best to resolve any disputes over this agreement, if you wish to take court proceedings against us you must do so within the united kingdom. Relevant UK law will apply.
- If any part of this disagreement is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply.
We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notice to you if you are in breach of the club rules (i.e stealing or other criminal activities within the facility). In this event you will not be liable
- You will be individually responsible for your membership and its terms and conditions under this agreement.
- Everyone who signs this agreement will be responsible for paying the appropriate membership subscription.
- It is your responsibility to keep us up to date with any personal data we may require in order for us to communicate with you in relation to your membership.
- To pay any further direct debit payments, provided such breach is not deemed by us to have occurred primarily in order to qualify you for a refund.
- On entry to Athelis, as a member, guest, non-member you agree to follow all club rules and the FIA Health Commitment Statement.
- We will treat all your personal information as confidential and will only use it in accordance with our Privacy Policy.